Take a look at some of our wonderful alumni as they share how their time at SPCCS gave direction to their lives. We love our alumni and their hearts of service.


Alum JT Thomas, Four Time Super Bowl Winner with the Pittsburg Steelers remembers how SPCCS was key to his circumstances never determining his outcome.

Mr. Thomas is a successful speaker and entrepreneur.

Hello, World!

Alumna Brandice Bailey delivers the 2023 Commencement Speech at Georgia College and, as part of her story of true grit and determination, tells about how she decided to become a journalist back in 3rd Grade at SPCCS.

As of 2023, she is the Vice President and News Director of WITI-TV Milwaukee/FOX6, where she oversees the station’s editorial, news business, and administrative functions. Previously she has worked on the international level and across the industry in top ten markets, serving as a Producer for CNN domestic and CNN International Sports.